Mirabela Tiugan


greenmind app image


An online shop where users can purchase house plants. This project serves as a learning platform for building an e-commerce web application.

hangman app image


A command line Hangman game I did as a fun and educational project to solidify basic Python concepts. It had the opportunity to experiment with Python and improve my skills.

readcycle app image


A book exchange web application where book enthusiasts can share their favorite books with others. This is the final full-stack project of the Ironhack bootcamp.

hugger landing page image


A website fostering a secure space for people to connect, learn and grow in their mental health journeys. A team project developed during the Ironhack bootcamp.

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Cleaning Spree

An interactive web-based game that challenges players to clean up Berlin's Spree River by collecting debris and avoiding obstacles. First Ironhack bootcamp project.

Languages & Tools


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With 10+ years of experience in project management and continuous improvement, my passion for creating experiences that bring value to people's lives is at the heart of everything I do.

I began my coding journey by joining the Web Development bootcamp at Ironhack Berlin, which confirmed my belief that embarking on this career path is the right fit for me.

At the moment, I'm deepening my understanding of various programming languages while working on new projects, both independently and alongside other enthusiastic programmers.
